NZ Booklovers Awards 2023

Published: 13-Mar-2023

NZ Booklovers Awards 2023 Shortlist

Have look here to find out more about the NZ Booklovers Award Shortlist 2023

Logo of NZ Booklovers blue book with heart inside

The following books from the short list you are able to borrow  as physical copy or eBook from the library.

woman with long skirt standing with a bucket in her hand and looking sideways Harbouring by Jenny Pattrick

yellow, purple photo of a rock Mrs Jewell and the wreck of The General Grant by Christina Sanders

turquoise coloured picture of a town at dawn The Darkest Sin by D.V. Bishop

back background, red hair strains The Doctor's Wife by Fiona Sussman

black background, pink flowers The Frog Prince by James Norcliffe

green background, playing cards, blood The Slow Roll by Simon Lendrum