Jacqui reviews

Published: 15-Jan-2024

Jacqui reviews: The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams

The Reading List  by  Sara Nisha Adams

yellow background books in different colours scattered around

Do you love books, libraries, interesting characters, little twists, a hint of romance, to laugh and cry within the same book?  Then let me tell you about “The Reading List’.

I loved this book and I think many of you would also relate to it. Its light, easy to read, but has some heavy ‘life’ issues in it but not enough to weigh you down.

There are several characters in the story but the main two are Aleisha who is seventeen, a library assistant and Mukesh, a retired widower.  Mukesh has three beautiful daughters and grandchildren, one who particularly features in the book.  Aleisha and Mukesh form an amazing relationship and both their families have complexities that are interwoven into the story.

There are also other library staff and borrowers that feature throughout the book.

As you can imagine, the book centres around a reading list that is found in a returned book and the story unwinds from there.  The reading list brings up many emotions, events and issues.

It is no secret that I love fiction books that have Indian families and themes and this is one such novel.  I really enjoyed it and loved getting caught up the twists and emotions within the pages.