Nicki's Picks in April

Nicki  picks:  The Echo Chamber  by John Boyne

The Echo Chamber

By John Boyne

You might expect John Boyne to write harrowing novels of a deeply traumatising nature.  He was after all the author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. (A most unsuitable book for bedtime reading.)  So you might be a tad flabbergasted at The Echo Chamber.  It is very, well….. different.

Casting aside sensitivity and compassion this is a satirical, contemporary story centred around the Cleverley’s, a well-to-do family with some seriously amusing flaws. Together they go on a journey of discovery, little realising their gilded lives are but one Tweet away from disaster.  Each will learn how volatile, how outraged, how unforgiving the world can be when you step away from the proscribed path.

A scathing send up of social media, celebrity and political correctness, this is without a doubt the funniest book I have read in a long time.  And in today’s world, we can all do with a laugh.


