Nicki's Picks November 2021

Nicki picks in November:  Use IT All: The Cornersmith guide to a  more sustainable kitchen

Use It All

“Use It All : The Cornersmith guide to a more sustainable kitchen”

By Alex Elliott-Howery & Jaimee Edwards

Here we are, back in midst of lockdown threats.  At the supermarket we’re all loading up our trolleys with unperishable food that we can stash away “just in case.”  But who wants to live off rice and canned peas day after day?  When you do get your hands on some fresh food you really want to make the most of every leaf and stalk.

Use It All is a cookbook packed with recipes that form a blueprint for seasonal eating. Offering dozens of alternative flavour combinations to adapt according to what you have on hand, to produce delicious meals, with less waste.  Discover how to make creative dishes by buying less, using less packaging and simply making more with what you’ve got.

This is a great book for people juggling life who want to make better choices in the kitchen to feed their families efficiently and sustainably.  Beautifully presented featuring shopping baskets filled with seasonal produce demonstrating small shops can stretch far, Use It All will change the way you shop, cook and eat.