Justice of Peace Service

Published: 11-Mar-2025

There will be no Justice of the Peace hours at Rangiora Library during its closure from 16-30 March.

Justice of Peace hours at Waimakariri Libraries

Justice of Peace NZ logo

There is a Justice of the Peace available for signing documents in the libraries on the following days:

  • Rangiora library (meeting room) Tuesday 10 am - 1 pm.
  • Kaiapoi library (downstairs meeting room) Tuesday 11 am - 1 pm and Saturday 10 am - 12 noon
  • Oxford library (little office beside the council desk) Thursday 11 am - 1 pm

A roster of local JPs staffs these free sessions. Appointments are not necessary.

To find a Justice of Peace outside these hours refer to the website then click on the “Find a JP” section for a Justice close by. You can also contact the library for help locating a local JP.