Nicki's Picks July 2022

Nicki reviewed this month:  I know I saw her by  E.D. Thompson

Book Cover

Secrets, lies, mystery and suspense will bombard you from the onset as we follow Alice over the course of a sultry summer.  It begins when she catches a glimpse of her neighbour Kim on a passing train during a trip to London.  But when she mentions the sighting to Kim’s husband, he is insistent that she is mistaken.  Kim is in Ireland with friends.  But Alice knows what she saw.  And she can’t let it go.  The deeper she digs the more convinced she becomes that something sinister is going on. (And this hole she’s digging – it could be an early grave…)

If you have a penchant for creepy psychological suspense with twists and turns to keep you guessing right up to the end, this is your book.