Waiamakariri Libraries created an amazing Māori Language Collection called Ako Collection to help you explore and learn more about Te Reo Māori.
A range of apps that make using the library easier.
Grab your library card, remember your PIN number and jump right in!
Award Winners
Waimakariri Heritage website - a place to conserve and curate community memories and taonga.
To assist teachers, Waimakariri Libraries have a feast of resources available to help teachers feed students who are hungry for knowledge.
Check out the reviews from staff: Children's, teen and general recommended reads as well as movie reviews.
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Linda's first review of 2021...
Susi blazed through some great books at the end of April and she's here to share those recommended reads with you.
If you are rearing for action and need to escape from your bubble into a frantic paced, crazed adventure- look no further than Matthew Reilly.
While we're keeping safe inside, and the weather cools down - we have more reviews from Nicki to help us choose our next read.
Definitely an author to put on your ‘To Be Read’ list!
Nicki's back with some more top reviews to help you find your next read!
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