Story Box Library

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Story Box Library -  Watch and listen to some of your favourite stories being read by Australian and New Zealand storytellers.

Story Box Library Activity of the Month: April, Celebrate Anzac Day, with the story: Anzac Biscuits, by Owen Swan.

A brown covered book with a solider holding their head titled Anzac Biscuits

Rachel is in the kitchen, warm and safe.

Her father is in the trenches, cold and afraid.

When Rachel makes biscuits for her father, she adds the love, warmth, and hope that he needs.

Anzac Biscuits is a tender story of a family torn apart by war yet brought back together through the simplicity of Anzac Biscuits.

A soldier's desolate life on the front line is delicately entwined with the experiences of his wife and daughter, left to cope with his absence back at home. Phil Cummings shares the two narratives simultaneously, expertly linking the family separated by war with wonderful visual and literary connections that echo and oppose throughout.

Celebrate Anzac Day, with this activity available from Story Box Library linked to the story: Anzac Biscuits, written by Phil Cummings, illustrated by Owen Swan, performed by Tiffany Speight, and published by Scholastic Australia, 2013.

What you need:

A favourite ANZAC biscuit recipe (here's one from Storybox Library)

* ANZAC Biscuit ingredients (flour, oats, coconut, brown sugar, butter, golden syrup, bicarb of soda)

* Brown Paper

* Calico and ribbon

* Gift tag

Follow recipe instructions to bake the ANZAC Biscuits. Once the biscuits are cooled, wrap them up in brown paper and calico. Write and attach a special note. Deliver to someone you love or to someone who needs love, care, and support.

Teachers, students, parents, and caregivers can access hundreds of stories, and activities online, free through Story Box Library with their Waimakariri library card number and PIN.

To access Story Box Library go to our Tamariki/Children's eLibrary, from our Tamariki/Children’s Space, where you will also find more resources that are relevant to preschool, and primary school aged children.

This is one of our activities eligible for Children's University.

Please show library staff a pic of you completing the activity, or show a staff member the completed activity, to get a stamp in your Passport to Learning.