Books in Homes

How does it work?

We'll contact you to discuss what you might like to borrow and make a customised selection from our shelves especially for you. Deliveries are made every three weeks , by the same person each time. Alternatively, you can can have a family member or a friend pick up and return your items. You may need the service only a brief time or at an on-going basis.

Who is eligible?

Books in Homes is available to any Waimakariri resident who is unable to visit the library due to illness, disability or advanced years. There is no charge, however you need to be a member of Waimakariri Libraries. Find out how to become a member on our membership page.

How do you sign up?

Contact our Books in Homes coordinator to express your interest. The service is offered on a first-come, first-served basis, however we offer a waiting list once we reach our limit.

Books in Homes coordinator: Jeanette Busch, 03 311 8901,